A broken heart


Sunday 11th February


A broken heart still beats

I know that to be true

Even though mine is crushed

And fractured into two

It continues with the rhythm

Beating for me and you


Love you sweetie

Precious Angel son


Walking down Porthmeor Hill to the beach

Fluffy clouds and blue skies

The harbour bathed in sunshine

Wintery showers on the horizon

22 responses »

      • I feel a bond with you as my uncle had multiple myleoma and because of the love you have for your son which inspires me every time I read you. I pray for your healing. I did read that MM can be treated with Stem Cell Therapy. I know you probably know a ton more than I ever could on this subject but I noticed they are now doing it in the US although not yet covered by insurance, and that it is very affordable if you go to MEX or India… anyway I know you probably know all of this and have researched it but I just thought I’d mention it on the off-chance. Prayers for you my lovely friend

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers, they are appreciated.
        Currently I am on year four of a five year clinical drugs trial, using targeted therapy in the adjuvant treatment of MM. It is a double blind trial, so I’m unsure as to whether I had the actual drugs, or a placebo, but whatever, I am so well looked after, having multiple appointments firstly every four weeks, then three monthly and now twice a year. Plus I see dermatologists, endoscopists, lymphoedema nurse and GP’s whenever the need arises. I have an appointment tomorrow, and two next week. It’s all go!
        Hope you are well.


      • Oh my friend I am SO glad you are going through the clinical trial. When diagnosed my uncle was told he would live 1/2 years, he lived in France where they had NO treatment that was any good especially the new stuff. He took Liatral and that helped him live 15 years from diagnosis (without other treatments) so I know in your case receiving treatment you can live also. I always wanted to bring him to the US but since he was sick before asking him to come over, it wasn:t an option. I am all for socialized healthcare but there HAVE to be other options such as clinical trials. I am so glad you are in one and I PRAY it is the medicine that you receive and that it will help you. I know people can outlive anyone’s expectations with the strength of God and their heart. I also know you continue on this earth to remember and love your son and I think anyone who was a child of yours was lucky indeed for that type of love. I pray for you my friend I pray hard, and often. Bless you and keep you safe. You are a beautiful soul.

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