Monthly Archives: July 2023

Bedraggled roses

Tuesday 11th July 

Bedraggled roses
Battered by the wind
Rain filled blossoms
Deadheads are binned

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Heavy overnight rain and strong winds…..
Left many roses on the grass
Battered and bruised
But many remain
Porthmeor Beach
A busy afternoon
Surf School students getting ready to try out their skills
Blue skies after the rains
Calm, blue sea too
Children have fun on the harbour sand
Harbour boats
Clouds are building

Letting go

Monday 10th July 

Letting go of the notion
Of how things should be
Opening the heart to what is
Simply wild and free
The present moment exhibits
Many treasures untold
Embracing life fully
As protecting arms enfold

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Before the rains came….

In this world

Sunday 9th July 

In this world
Where chaos reigns
Where worries weigh
Upon frazzled brains
There lies a place
With soothing motion
Somewhere near
Beside the ocean

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Porthmeor Hill, down to the beach
Blustery, with fluffy white clouds
The harbour
Looking pretty this afternoon

The golden hour

Saturday 8th July 

The golden hour's
Gentle sway
Twilight paints
The fading day
The sunset hues
Ignite the skies
Embracing all
With fiery dyes
The sea reflects
The vibrant blaze
A mirrored canvas
So lost in a daze

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Sunset yesterday evening
Dark gold hues
A very still sea
Swirling clouds
People on the beach at 9pm, still so warm
Porthmeor West, this afternoon
The Island
Quite a low tide today
The harbour
Looking towards the Towans
The Trinity House Galatea, a buoy laying vessel, anchored in the bay
Boats, ribs, skiffs, tenders, all lined up on the sand
Blue skies peeping through

The sunshine is back

Friday 7th July 

The sunshine is back
Its radiant face
Peeking through curtains
Of the clouds' embrace
When they blow away
All worries untied
Revealing a canvas
Where fantasies coincide

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Sunshine and fluffy clouds

In the realm of dreams

Thursday 6th July 

In the realm of dreams
Where those expectations lie
Finding ourselves lost
And wondering why
Life's unpredictable ways
Can sometimes obscure
The path we'd envisioned
Of which we were so sure

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
St Ives this morning
Porthmeor Beach this afternoon
The harbour, with a watchful seagull
Visiting yacht
Not too many on the beach
Towards Kitty’s Corner in the background

Breathing in the courage

Wednesday 5th July 

Breathing in the courage
That blossoms within
Acknowledging the strength
That has always been
No longer defined
By the trauma that held sway
Forging ahead
Embracing a brighter day

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum


Tuesday 4th July 

Disconnecting from the past
A daunting task indeed
For memories cling tightly
Like ivy to a weed
Yet within my being
A flicker of hope resides
A yearning for a life
Where the pain subsides
With hesitant steps
I venture to the unknown
Leaving behind the scars
That have deeply grown
Each footprint marks
My resolve to break free
To reclaim my purpose
And rediscover the real me

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A rainy day

In realms of dreams

Monday 3rd July 

In realms of dreams
Where expectations lie
Finding ourselves lost
And wondering why
Life's unpredictable ways
Can sometimes obscure
A path envisioned
That's there no more

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Fluffy clouds over St Ives this morning
Holy Trinity Church, Tresillian

Be kind and gentle

Sunday 2nd July 

Be kind and gentle
For everyone has a story to tell
A narrative of resilience
Love, and battles fought well
Look beyond the surface
With an open heart and mind
And discover many treasures
Rare and hard to find

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
A dull start to the afternoon on Porthmeor Beach
Many surfers enjoying the waves
Looks a bit cold and choppy
Grey clouds over the harbour
Later on it became much warmer
And the sun came out!