Bedraggled roses

Tuesday 11th July 

Bedraggled roses
Battered by the wind
Rain filled blossoms
Deadheads are binned

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Heavy overnight rain and strong winds…..
Left many roses on the grass
Battered and bruised
But many remain
Porthmeor Beach
A busy afternoon
Surf School students getting ready to try out their skills
Blue skies after the rains
Calm, blue sea too
Children have fun on the harbour sand
Harbour boats
Clouds are building

14 responses »

      • I used to take the sorry looking ones and make potpourri from them. It was especially nice when the blossoms fell off the orchids and I could bland them with roses.
        I’m not sure wet and windy weather ever leaves Kentucky any more. Occasional sunshine but mainly hot and humidity that makes the rain feel pretty good.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hadn’t actually thought about making potpourri…. Maybe the petals are too wet or bruised.
        I may give a go, though, thanks for the idea. We certainly have enough fallen blooms!

        Liked by 1 person

      • The wet petals can be dried by spreading them on a towel. If the perfume is not as strong a drop or so of essential oil will help. It’s always fun to try.. They can also be put in an old stocking as used to perfume your bath water.

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