We’re on the beach again

Wednesday 18th October 

We're on the beach again
When it begins to rain
Beneath our large umbrella
We wait for better weather
Some big dark clouds
Chase away the crowds
The rest of the afternoon
Passed by with a sunny tune

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Quite a nice morning leaving the mainland
Pedestrian bridge, with the Roman Bridge behind
A crane stomping through the mud at low tide
A pleasant start, but a little windy
Warm and muggy
Not many people about
Very dark clouds moving our way
There was a bit of rain, many left the beach…. But then blue skies returned
A walk and a paddle
Lovely colours
No footprints……
Time for some lunch
Beach bar vibes
Back in Tavira
The ferry turns around and takes a few people to the island

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