Monthly Archives: January 2024


Thursday 11th January 

Waiting in the shadows
With wistful air
Uncertain paths
Possibilities rare
Unsure steps
In the quiet unknown
Opportunities whisper
Seeds to be sown

A dance with time
In the realm of chance
Uncertainty's drama
A nuanced trance
Yet within the peace
Of tender charm
Hope can bloom
And not sound the alarm

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Another cold day


Wednesday 10th January 

Bitter, biting
Brutally cold air
Cerulean skies
Crisp and bare
Pinched cheeks
Chilled they glow
Cold toes dance
On frost-kissed snow

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A bitter wind blows

It’s cold, it’s chilly

Tuesday 9th January 

It's cold, it's chilly
In winter's grasp
Sombre grey skies
With a muted clasp
Bare, brittle branches
Stretch in silent call
Hard ground beneath
A frozen crawl
Nature at a standstill
In hibernation's hold
A crisp, raw landscape
That's stark and bold

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Much colder today

And so it is

Monday 8th January 

And so it is
The return to reality
Coming back home
Where it's cold and icy
But days are lengthening
Degree by degree
New ideas unfurl
There to surprise me

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Bright, but bitterly cold

Hasta la próxima vez

Sunday 7th January 

Hasta la próxima vez
So long sunny Spain
It's time to go home
But we'll be back again
Thanks for a fabulous time
But now we'll catch our plane

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A beautiful morning
Towards the mountains
Toodle oo Luke
We’ll see you again soon
A drive back to Portugal for Luke and Talita

Día de Reyes

Saturday 6th January 

Día de Reyes
Three Kings Day
Family together
Spanish holiday
Long lazy lunch
Wish we could stay
Yet have to pack
Soon on our way

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Snow on the mountains
Gary and I
Luke and Talita
Sunny but chilly
All of us

Lunch on the beach

Friday 5th January 

Lunch on the beach
Beneath the sun's gaze
Sunshine and smiles
In a coastal daze
Windblown waves
With bodyboarders
Catching the swell
Quite the performers

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Clouds over the mountains this morning
Gorgeous colours
The beach at Cabopino
Mellow vibes
In the sunshine
Perfect day
Hire boats
Gary and I
Cocoa Beach
Marbella not Florida!
Blue skies and palms
The three of us

A bit better today

Thursday 4th January 

A bit better today
Walked along the seashore
Stopped for fresh orange juice
Well-being to restore

Cloudy, grey skies above
Soon gave way to sunshine
With retail therapy
I'll soon be feeling fine

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum

Cloudy mountain tops
A promise of some sunshine
Fresh orange juice
Hand holding palm
Clearing skies
Turned into a pleasant afternoon

And here we are

Wednesday 3rd January 

And here we are
Still in bed
Chesty cough
And a sore head

Husband and son
Went out in the car
To a marina
It's not that far

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
The marina at Cabopino
Sunny and very warm
I’m still stuck in bed!


Tuesday 2nd January 

Struggling today
A raging headache
Bad cough and cold
Painkillers to take

Stayed in bed
A cocoon of rest
On holiday
Not at its best

But tomorrow
Brings a better day
And all these germs
Will go away

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
At least I have good views!
Across the pool to the sea