I’ve always had a small mole on the top of the fourth toe of my left foot. It’s been there since forever. I’ve also got quite a moley back and tummy, but nothing, I thought, of any major concern. My husband and I check our bodies regularly.

(Back when I was about 11 years old, I had a mole removed from the right side of my jaw. This was carried out in Singapore, at the British Medical Hospital. I think I stayed in for a couple nights, and came out with about nine stitches. The scar is barely visible now.)

Anyway, playing in the garden last Autumn 2012, next door’s dog nicked my toe with its claw, and just caught the side of the mole, causing it to bleed a bit.It seemed fine all through the Winter, I was wearing tights and shoes to school, no problem. Then in the New Year it began to get bigger, it would weep a bit, and I took to wearing a plaster over it. Soon I could no longer wear proper shoes, and took to wearing FitFlops to school. It was then I made an appointment to see my GP.

Things moved very quickly after that.

My first appointment at the Dermatology Department was on Tuesday 16th April 2013. Photographs were taken, but the consultant there thought the alien blob was too big and too serious to be removed then and there. I would be referred to a specialist plastic surgeon as soon as possible.

However, on further inspection of my body, I pointed out a very dark mole on the lower right of my back. Well, that can come off right away! Arghhhh! We went away for a coffee, coming back an hour later to have the procedure carried out under local anaesthetic. Whoa! Too many injections of anaesthetic and adrenaline later, my back was being stitched up, with deep, disolvable ones, and then a line of surface stitches. The offending item would be sent away for biopsy.

I had that day off school, plus the following one, as I was still somewhat sore. Back to school on Thursday and Friday.

94 responses »

  1. Good grief! that’s one hell of a story. You poor poor woman. How do you cope with it all? I can’t imagine how hard this is all been for you, AND on top of everything else. Good God, you are a freaken warrior! I’m going to take a leaf out of your book when it comes to bravery. I’m so so sorry you are going through what you are, life can be so damn unfair. I just wish you so much strength and courage and I’ll think of you every day. Please keep me updated on how it goes. x x

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I can’t read your mind and know what you’re feeling, thinking or going through. I can only know what I went through. All I can say is keep on keeping on and live each day as it comes. Sometimes things really do work out.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have just finished reading your journey in awe. I am just in from work so my comment is a bit rushed. I was also diagnosed with a malignant melanoma and had a groin dissection back in 2009 followed by a year of interferon but went back full time as a surgical nurse when my treatment finished. So far so good 🙂 I am so sorry to hear about your son. It seems so unfair that you got so much grief to carry. I am aware and grateful since my illness for everyday that I stay well and am filled with gratitude for every day that my family are healthy (i have three grandsons) and also aware every minute of every day of how fortunate I am. I hope that time will heal your sadness and that somehow the grief will get lighter over the years. Lots of love and thoughts. Stephanie

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Stephanie.
      Thank you for taking the time to read.
      Thanks too for your kind words.
      At the moment I’m still on the clinical trial, going for checks every three months. Crossing fingers is all I can do.
      That our son was diagnosed with cancer too, was such a massive shock. And now, that the treatment failed him, I feel such pain, and we miss him every single day.
      Take good care.
      Melanie x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cancer has deep scars in my family also. My Grandson, Michael survived brain cancer at the age of three. My daughter-in-law, his mother has colon cancer and is going into the hospital Friday for a nine hour operation.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much for the follow on my blog. I have a disabled son who is in his 20s. Your poor baby and your family have suffered more than anyone should have to, but, of course, we have no control over those things. Sending many, many prayers and good wishes your way. You sound like a remarkable woman!


  6. Thank you for sharing your story – you’re a courageous woman who has been through so much! Also, thanks for following my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you. I wish you a full recovery and a bright future ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. In June of 2015 I had a small place on my back that would not heal…within two weeks I had removed a large portion of my back…I feel we are all brothers and sisters in these fights. Keep writing, I LOVE every word. Publish, your stories will inspire others, give them strength and a knowledge of how to survive. E

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Courage, dear lady. I hope that the treatments are resoundingly successful and the pain lessens dramatically—both the physiological and the psychological pain being so immense at times. Wishing you all health and peace, and in the meantime, I will always keep a good thought for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi there > Been reading your blog with swings of emotion. I cried this afternoon and agree with TradeRoutz wondering how you deal with it. I have suffered loss in my life but nothing like you have and while you are also fighting for yourself. I read your about and think you have amazing travel tales and life. Thank you for following me and I will keep up with your blog and look out for your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for your follow. As it happens, I, also, had a melanoma years ago. Mine was caught early. To this point, it has not recurred. God walks with us through the darkness…even when we cannot feel His presence. May He give you courage, strength, and a measure of peace — both with regard to your illness, and the loss of you son. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I came back when you followed me and have wandered here through your story. I’m so sorry for the loss of your son — every parent’s nightmare. I am sure that he is never far from your mind. I hope that with the passing time you can think of him with more smiles than tears.

    I too was diagnosed with melanoma two years ago, although they caught mine really early (stage zero). So I’m lucky but with the other health challenges I am seeing my dermatologist/oncologist twice a year too.

    Thank you for the follow. I look forward to getting to know you.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m glad that your melanoma is negative. I had stage IV melanoma. Went through the rigorous, harsh treatment. Even though nothing happens to my skin, I have to see the dermatologist every year to check if I have any irregular shapes of moles. Sorry about your son. Pray for him Miracle still happens.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your story is very difficult. I hope that you are nearing the end of the trial period and that there is no more cancer. I am also very sorry about your son. He sounds like a special man. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for reading my story.
      Melanoma is a sneaky cancer, and you never know if and when it will return.
      At present, things are stable.
      And yes, my son was wonderfully special: we miss him so very much.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Reading of your son, and now your battle I realize how lucky I’ve been, twice hit with cancer and a full recovery each time, 2005 and 2015, and your young son taken at an early age, in a sense I feel ashamed and guilty at still being here.
    I’d have liked your boy, he loved all the books I love my own children don’t give a fig for any book.

    Liked by 1 person

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