Monthly Archives: July 2023

Amidst my thoughts

Monday 31st July 

Amidst my thoughts
That wander far and wide
A wistful shifting
Like the ebbing tide
In moments calm
Where troubles can't intrude
No harm can reach
The heart's secluded mood

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Where has the summer gone?

Breaking waves

Saturday 29th July 

With the ocean's power
Surfers glide in the breeze
As they ride breaking waves
With acrobatic ease

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Saturday morning dinghy regatta
Porthmeor Beach, so busy
High tide
Fun in the waves

Maybe I dwell

Friday 28th July 

Maybe I dwell
On the laughter we shared
Or ponder the love
That once tenderly cared
The echoes of laughter
The tears that fell
The stories whispered
The secrets we'd tell
I wander through moments past
A tapestry of emotions
That I wished would last

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Sunny Porthmeor Beach this morning
Quiet today
A grey harbour at midday
Looking towards the Lifeboat House
The town this afternoon

Memories linger

Thursday 27th July 

Memories linger
Like shadows at night
Flickering moments
In bittersweet light
The world may not notice
The tears I hold
Yet deep within
Emotions unfold

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
The harbour this morning
Across the town to the Island

In the depths of my heart

Wednesday 26th July 

In the depths of my heart
You'll forever stay
A cherished memory
That won't fade away

The days may pass
The years may go
But our bond endures
A love that will grow

Thinking of you
Every single day
Carrying your spirit
Along life's way

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Grey, misty and humid this morning
Porthmeor Beach this afternoon
Surfers having fun
Quiet on West Porthmeor
Not very busy in the harbour
Heavy clouds


Tuesday 25th July 

A glimpse of yellow
Sweet and fair
Its tender bloom
Beyond compare
All those flowers
Their heads do raise
A sun-kissed hue
That softly sways

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum


Monday 24th July 

Upon the blustery
Wind-blown shore
Where choppy waves
In fury roar
Where surfers brave
With hearts of steel
Swimmers plunge
A chill to feel

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
The putting green
The rocky end of Porthmeor Beach
Wind, white horses and waves
Surf School ready to hit the waves
Sitting out of the wind, with a steaming hot cappuccino. It really doesn’t feel like summer!
Lifeguards on duty


Sunday 23rd July 

Sunshine rays
Tourists gaze
Fun always
Music plays
Grand displays
Azure bays
Happy days

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Porthmeor surfers
Very low tide
Fun in the waves
West Porthmeor and Man’s Head
Very dark clouds on the horizon

Heavy rain

Saturday 22nd July 

Heavy rain
Persistent showers
Turns skies to grey
For hours and hours
Nature's tears
Sad they seem
Awaken the earth
From a dream

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Through the railings
Dank and gloomy
Grey skies, grey seas, grey rooftops