Monthly Archives: October 2023

The first time ever

Monday 30th October 

The first time ever
Despite being careful
Rest, water, and painkillers
Keeps from being fearful
Bedbound for a while
Hoping for a brighter day
Covid, please do one
And go far away

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
View from the bedroom window

If I close my eyes

Sunday 29th October 

If I close my eyes
Will the monsters retreat?
If I turn away
Will they take a back seat?

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Sunny and bright this morning, but rainy in the afternoon

Why can’t I?

Saturday 28th October 

"Why can't I?" you ask
With a hopeful plea
You try and you try
But the answers aren't free
You know, deep inside
You've got strength to find
So chase your dreams
Leave your doubts behind

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A very early morning start, driving back home
Golden sunrise
The ‘Nearly there trees’, (still about 72 miles from home!)

To Exeter

Friday 27th October 

To Exeter
End of the trial
Ten years for me
Uneasy feelings
Weigh heavily
Safety blanket
Is gone you see

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Cloudy and grey this morning
A little brighter
A rainbow on the way

Winds of change

Thursday 26th October 

The winds of change blow
The seasons transform
Within us, the strength
To weather the storm
Live the life now
With purpose and grace
Every step forward
A new breath to embrace

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A faint rainbow touching the Island

Back in a routine

Wednesday 25

Back in a routine
Much to wash and clean
This life has its rhythm
And I've made my decision
To be able to travel
Watch adventures unravel

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A few bright spots appearing

A very early flight

Tuesday 24th October 

A very early flight
Taking off, dark as night
Soon sunrise, golden light
Beautiful morning sight

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Up, up and away, leaving Portugal behind….
Sunrise glow
High above the clouds
The south coast of Cornwall
The A30
Saying hello 💖

Off we go

Monday 23rd 

Off we go
To Faro
Flying home

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Dull and rainy this morning
Praça da República, Tavira
Not too many people around
Jardim Público de Tavira
River Gilão was very brown after the storm yesterday
Gary and I
Blue skies and clouds
The tourist train is empty
Three of us in Santa Luzia
Gary and Luke
Luke and I
Santa Luzia
Luke and I again
Sunset drinks
The sun is going down….

Rainy days

Sunday 22nd October 

Rainy days and Sundays
Sitting in dry cafés

Watching the wind and rain
With a look of disdain

Hot coffee and toasties
So good for times like these

We bought an umbrella
Protects from the weather

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Sheltering from the rain
We had the last table available
Walking in the pouring rain
The bougainvillea still looks amazing
So, so very windy
So much poolside furniture ended up in the water!
Oh dear!
And then there were blue skies, but lots of flooding