Monthly Archives: November 2023

Chill air

Thursday 30th November 

Chill air whispers
The rain's refrain
Snowflakes tiptoe
Down a wintry lane

Wrapped up warm
In layers, snug
Gloves and scarf
Like a gentle hug

Cold cheeks touched
With icy fingers
Grey leaden skies
The dampness lingers

Monotone hues
Set a muted scene
A hunt for warmth
Is earnest and keen

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
But we didn’t see any snow in St Ives
Jolly cold though
A bit fuzzy, but Carn Brea had a dusting of snow

Nights drawing in

Wednesday 29th November 

Nights drawing in
Twilight descends
Curtains pulled
As daylight ends
The heating's on
Warming the place
Comforting all
A soft embrace

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Grey and murky this morning
A little brighter this afternoon


Tuesday 28th November 

In shadows cast
By silent fears
A tale unfolds
Dispelling tears
It's melanoma's
Ominous trace
In CT scans
A hopeful grace

No metastatic
Evidence found
Normal echoes
All around
Results in too
Polyps removed
All's good, thank you

Ten years in the
Clinical trial
Grateful heart
Evokes a small smile
Quietly high-fiving
The uneasy unseen
A dance with hope
Where fears have been

No jinx is cast
Just caution's thread
Vigilance lingers
Where worries tread
Safe sun care
An eternal oath
Copious sunscreen
Prevents cancer growth

Malignant melanoma
A sneaky beast
The worry's still there
But there's hope at least
A healthy lifestyle
Common sense in the sun
Enjoying this life
The battle's near won

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A sunny day ☀️

Amid the downpour

Monday 27th November 

Amid the downpour
And turbulent sway
Finding strength within
To light the way
In darkest moments
When all seems forlorn
Weathering the storm
As a new day is born

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Brief sunny spells before dark grey skies and heavy showers

Background anguish

Sunday 26th November 

Background anguish
A silent hum
Far-flung panic
Where fears become

Remote anxiety
In shadows concealed
Secluded depression
Its depths revealed

Outlying melancholy
A solitary tune
Isolated echoes
Of a private gloom

Abstract struggles
Paint a somber veneer
Outside, all's fine
Or so it does appear

Inside, screaming nightmares
With secrets to tell
Camouflaged carefully
Saying all is well

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Dank and dreary today

Off to Exeter

Saturday 25th November 

Off to Exeter
A CT scan
A quick check up
Do what I can
To keep healthy
Much better than
The alternate
Shortened lifespan

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Leaving St Ives this morning
Wind farm at Carland Cross
Squirrel beside the road as we drove into Exeter
The scanner
On the way home… The Nearly There Trees 😊
Sunbeams to light our way

Always have hope

Friday 24th November 

Always have hope
For then there's light
Believe in dreams
They can take flight
Optimism triumphs
Over pessimism's weight
Clouds hold silver linings
A hopeful state

Maybe not today
Perhaps not tomorrow
Eagerness and enthusiasm
Dissolve the sorrow
In gentle anticipation
Progress is found
A brighter future
May soon come around

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A bright morning


Thursday 23rd November 

A year has passed
Since you were near
Remembering Mum
The one we hold dear
Missed so much
Your smile and laugh
The echo of memories
From a photograph

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Chilly and grey
For Mum
A seasonal wreath for you
Resting with your beloved Mother and Father
Cold and raw overlooking the sea at Barnoon Cemetery this afternoon

Thinking and pondering

Wednesday 22nd November 

Thinking and pondering
On a wistful day
As time keeps passing
In its own way
Being introspective
Reflective, and musing
Contemplation's dance
Quietly diffusing

Can I do better
Am I on the right road?
Did I choose the path
Where dreams are stowed?
How will I know
Who'll guide me through?
In the search for answers
Where counsel is true

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
High tide in Kitty’s Corner
Calm, glassy sea
The weather turned drizzly later on

No idea

Tuesday 21st November 

No idea of the storms
That internally brew
The battles fought
The struggles to construe
It's a journey unique
Known to a few
The strength found within
A voyage to push through

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A chilly day