Monthly Archives: January 2024

There we go

Wednesday 31st January 

There we go
In the dance of days
And there we are
In life's endless maze
There is that
A moment in the past
And there is this
A present that will last
There it was
A memory's embrace
And there it will be
In time and space

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
Bright, but cloudy today

A journey in slumber

Tuesday 30th January 

A journey in slumber
Imagination's vast
Where time bends
And memories last
In the land of nod
Tension finds release
A sanctuary of calm
Where troubles decrease

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A little blue sky overhead

Where shall we go….

Monday 29th January 

Where shall we go
In the realms of dreams
Where reality blurs
And nothing's as it seems?
Leaving behind worries
In the arms of sleep
Hoping nightmares won't
Let their shadows creep

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
Grey skies again!

Dreary and damp

Sunday 28th January 

Dreary and damp
A drizzly day
Dank and dull
Skies in disarray
Dejected spirits
Despondent air
Depressing hues
A weight to bear
Dingy corners
Dismal light
Drab surroundings
In somber sight
Doleful echoes
In the quiet hush
A palette of shadows
With a muted brush
But I know
Just what to do
Lighting the fire
Spirits lifted anew

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
The Parish Church


Saturday 27th January 

Maybe reflections
In a puddle's stream
Or the fading echo
Of a napping daydream
In the ordinary
Find the extraordinary
A tapestry of words
In life's inventory

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Low tide in the harbour

Today’s canvas

Friday 26th January 

Today's canvas
A blank expanse
What to write about
Take a chance
Pen dancing upon
The paper's spread
Ink weaving tales
A narrative thread

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
A much better day
Sunshine over St Ives

Rhythmic patter

Thursday 25th January 

The rhythmic patter
Of the gentle rain
The sun's embrace
On the window pane
Whispers of wind
Or a bird in flight
Make endless stories
In the day's soft light

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
Still entranced by our new log burner

Flickering flames

Wednesday 24th January 

Flickering flames
A dance of light
Glowing embers
A mesmerizing sight

Transfixed with awe
In the log burner's gaze
A new installation
Spreading a warming blaze

Hearth of comfort
Where stories are spun
Warmth that beckons
Inviting everyone

Gathering round
The fire's embrace
In the cozy glow
A welcoming place

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Dearest Mum
Discovering the original tiles beneath the carpet after we took the old gas fire out
Trying to preserve and keep the Victorian majolica tiles surrounding the fireplace
After three days of a challenging installation, we have a lovely log-burning fire in the lounge

Wet trees

Tuesday 23rd January 

Wet trees stripped of leaves
Long fingers bare
Stretching across the road
In the damp air

Entangling, skeletal limbs
All intertwined
Rocking and creaking
A dance so designed

Greeting each other
With a woody sigh
In that misty embrace
Where spirits lie

Nature's conversation
A secret song
In the world of the forest
Where stories belong

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum