Daily Archives: January 18, 2024

Your birthday’s here

Thursday 18th January 

Your birthday's here
There's an empty chair
A void that whispers
In the chill January air

Love for you resonates
A timeless song
In those memories
Where echoes belong

In the gift of life
And love's embrace
Finding solace
Even in an empty space

For birthdays hold
Bittersweet times
The love we carry
Forever shines

You should have been
Thirty nine today
What would you be like
And what would you say?

We miss you so much
In our hearts forever
Thinking of you often
Forgetting you, never

No matter how long
As memories replay
It will always feel
Like yesterday

Love you so much
Precious Angel son
Dearest Frank
18.1.1985 - 12.3.2015