Monthly Archives: January 2024

An incoming storm

Saturday 20th January 

An incoming storm
A harbinger's call
The wind will blow
Branches may fall

Cloudy skies
A tempest brewing
Chasing the horizon
Nature's undoing

The dance of gales
Like a wild ballet
A orchestra of chaos
In the sky's display

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum


Chill air

Friday 19th January 

Chill air
Paints the morning's breath
Blue skies stretch
A vast expanse, no depth
Lost in thought
A wandering mind
In the quiet
The universe entwined

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Truro Cathedral
Beneath bright blue skies

Your birthday’s here

Thursday 18th January 

Your birthday's here
There's an empty chair
A void that whispers
In the chill January air

Love for you resonates
A timeless song
In those memories
Where echoes belong

In the gift of life
And love's embrace
Finding solace
Even in an empty space

For birthdays hold
Bittersweet times
The love we carry
Forever shines

You should have been
Thirty nine today
What would you be like
And what would you say?

We miss you so much
In our hearts forever
Thinking of you often
Forgetting you, never

No matter how long
As memories replay
It will always feel
Like yesterday

Love you so much
Precious Angel son
Dearest Frank
18.1.1985 - 12.3.2015

Calm and peaceful

Wednesday 17th January 

Calm and peaceful
A serene space
Trying to relax
In this tranquil place
Slow, deep breaths
A rhythmic flow
Wanting to chill
And let the worries go

Inhale the peace
Exhale the strain
A gentle dance
With a quiet refrain
In this moment
Balance is an art
A symphony of calm
For the weary heart

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Across the estuary to Lelant

A serene scene

Tuesday 16th January 

A serene scene
A tranquil delight
Nature's canvas
Bathed in liquid light
The silvery sea
A misty sight
Across the fields
Chilly and bright

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Across the fields down to Mount’s Bay
St Michael’s Mount
The silvery sea

Can’t think

Monday 15th January 

Can't think
Lost in a listless haze
A bit of a nothing day
A mind's malaise
Don't know what to say
Words elude
In the silence
A yearning mood

Need a holiday
A break, a retreat
Where thoughts flow
And worries deplete
In the sun's embrace
Or by the sea
A respite
From the day's monotony

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
The sun came out for a while

Time is fleeting

Sunday 14th January 

Time is fleeting
A transitory space
Making the days count
In life's embrace
Having no regrets
In moments spun
Living moment to moment
Each day begun

Grateful for the breaths
That slowly unfold
Reflecting on stories
Both new and old
Embracing opportunities
In every guise
Making amends
Where compassion lies

Looking for the positives
As the shadows' dance
A chance for growth
Perhaps a second chance
In the mosaic of days
Woven and spent
Live with purpose
Each moment well-meant

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
St Ives harbour
The Parish Church, with the Island in the background

The journey unfolds

Saturday 13th January 

The journey unfolds
Steps in the night
A dance with mystery
Beyond the light
As the fog lifts
Clarity unfolds
In the refocus
New tales are told

Love you so much
Precious sons
Beloved Mum
Tones of grey and green and brown

Stepping out

Friday 12th January 

Stepping out
Into the dark's embrace
To the unknown
A vast and silent space
What will be found
In shadows deep
When the mist clears
Secrets to keep?

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Still cold and grey…..