Monthly Archives: June 2024

On the surface

Tuesday 25th June 

On the surface
All appears fine
Carefully concealed
All's tangled, entwine

Beneath the calm
A hidden mess
Secrets kept
In silent stress

Outward smiles
Inward strife
A fragile balance
Within this life

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Another grey day….. Where’s the sunshine?
The roses are blooming
In the garden
Antirhinnums too

Wandering around the town

Monday 24th June 

Wandering around the town
Dodging the holidaymakers
Streets alive with a vibrant sound
Watching the picture takers

Hidden corners, quiet nooks
Escape the crowd, find solace there
Amidst the bustle, tranquil looks 
A moment's peace, a breath of air 

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Some blue skies this morning
Grey on Porthmeor this afternoon
Low tide in the harbour
A few on the beach

So there we are

Sunday 23rd June 

So there we are
And there we go
What will be
Just don't know

Future's unclear
A winding road
Unseen twists
A heavy load

Yet on the way
Hope can grow
For every step
The path may show

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Cloudy and a bit drizzly

I wonder

Saturday 22nd June 

I wonder why
I wonder who
I wonder when
I wonder if

Questions linger
Thoughts take flight
In the silence
Throughout the night

Curiosity's spark
A restless quest
Seeking answers
And finding rest

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
A pretty morning
A corner of St Ives
The Wharf, with the Coastguard Station above
Blue skies for a while
The top of the Parish Church

In calm and chaos

Friday 21st June 

In calm and chaos
As life unfolds
A parade of contrasts
And stories to be told

Seeking tranquility
A soothing balm
Amidst the storm 
A fleeting calm

Whispers of peace
Then moments of strife
Interwoven threads
Of a tangled life

In chaos, there's strength
Within calm, a repose
A balance to be found
As the rollercoaster flows

Love you so much
Beloved sons
Treasured Mum
Grey skies this morning
Truro Cathedral

Hazy skies

Thursday 20th June 

Hazy skies
Hues of blues
Harbour boats
Tied to floats

Visiting yachts
Fishing trips
Ocean's breath
Swell and dips

Gentle waves
Softly sway
Endless sea
Calls us away

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
St Ives this morning
View from the front door…… Megayacht Norn, 89m, $250 million, oooohhhhhhh
Porthmeor West
Megayacht Norn and a boat trip to Seal Island
Beautiful blues
Harbour yachts
High tide
Quite busy today
Self drive boats all tied together

I miss you

Wednesday 19th June 

I miss you
I miss me
The me I used to be
You and me

How can I be me?
You're not here with me
It used to be
Us, you see

In your absence
Shadows grow
A part of me
I no longer know

I search in vain
For the me I was
Before this pain

Love you so much
Precious sons
Treasured Mum
Looking towards the harbour


Tuesday 18th June 

Appreciating the little things
Dreaming is absolutely allowed
Take time, don't be rushed
Look around, above the crowd


In every moment
Trying to find peace
Worries and haste
Gently cease


Embrace the now
Let joy unfold
In simple moments
Life’s beauty is told

Love you so much
Treasured sons
Beloved Mum
Choppy seas just outside the harbour

Where the ocean meets the sky

Monday 17th June 

Where the ocean meets the sky
Stretching from left to right
Colours blur, the horizon hazy
Out there beyond dreams tonight

In the vast expanse 
Of a world unknown
Where whispers
Of the heart have flown

Beyond the reach
Of time and space
I know I'll find you
In that fragile place

Love you so much
Precious sons
Treasured Mum
Blue skies

Father’s Day

Sunday 16th June 

Father's Day
Mine is gone
But yours is here
Love lives on

Memories held
In heart's embrace
Though time has passed
I see his face

Cherish now
The moments dear
For though mine's gone
Yours is here

Love you so much
Missed always
Father Hank
Hank and I, Big Sur, CA, 1979
Quite a pleasant afternoon