Grief unspoken


Wednesday 7th June


My love for you will never cease

Even though my heart is broken

You’ll always be the missing piece

Keeps us together, grief unspoken


Love you forever

Dearest Angel son


A grey harbour at low tide

15 responses »

  1. You must live near the shore..where in England is this, it looks so beautiful!
    I’ve been fascinated lately listening to all of the different British accents on TV..trying to figure out where everyone is from- do accents vary that much region by region? Can you tell where someone is from by listening to them speak?..
    Of course they are all on TV due to the terrible recent terror incidents..
    I feel for everyone there, I really do..this has been a ghastly few weeks. ๐Ÿ˜

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    • We live in Cornwall, in the South West of England, just a few hundred metres from the beach, and yes, it is a lovely place to be.

      The Cornish do have quite a strong accent themselves and these accents do vary very much depending on where you live in the UK.

      The recent atrocities have been horrendous, but people are carrying on trying not to let fear win. It is hard.

      x ๐Ÿ‘ผ x

      Liked by 1 person

      • Looked it up on a map- embarrassed to say I had no idea where it was..looks just gorgeous though in your pictures.- The attacks have been horrible for sure..I have to say though, I never knew that some cops there were unarmed..that seems so strange in today’s day & age, esp in a large city.

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  2. I can personally connect to that strong sense of grief you speak of, I personally experienced it, and, all I can say, is that you will never, fully recover from the death of a child, all you can do, is take it a day at a time, and one day, you will wake up, and when you think of your son, you will think of the better days you’ve sharedโ€‹.

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