Monthly Archives: January 2019

Like we’re never apart


Thursday 31st January


I miss you with all my soul

I love you with all my heart

I think of you with all my mind

I remember like we’re never apart


My precious boy

Darling Angel son


Whilst we were out shopping, it snowed….. But didn’t last too long down in West Cornwall

Settling for a while on the rooftops

A cheeky smile


Wednesday 30th January


A cheeky smile

And twinkling eyes

A naughty laugh

To tantalise


Miss you so much

Precious Angel son

Fly high Starman

Your earthly life is done


Lake Lucerne, October 2006, Frank was 21 years old here

Looking down on the harbour this morning

Driving home from a successful MoT, 😊🚗😊

Still finding it hard


Saturday 26th January


Still finding it hard

To face the fact

That you’ve gone

No more contact


With all my love

I tried so hard

You couldn’t stay

Caught off guard


So unexpected

You had to go

Off to heaven

Your star’s aglow


I miss you so

Sending my love

Hugs and kisses too

To you up above


Precious Angel son


Truro cathedral this morning