Daily Archives: November 12, 2018

Our last full day


Monday 12th November


Our last full day

The sun comes out to play

Blue skies chasing away the grey

Really wish we could stay


Enjoying the warmth while we may

Off down a narrow alleyway

Drinks at a pavement café

Tourists on their holiday


What would you say?

Your intentions to convey

Your want for ice cream or sorbet

Delivered without any further delay


Just because you’ve gone away

You’re with us now and everyday

Though my heart does heavy weigh

Memories with love, replay


Love you forever

Forget you never

Always together

Forever and ever


Precious Angel son


The view of the River Guadiana this morning

Parque de Castelar

Plaza Soledad and the Giralda

Narrow streets and colourful buildings

Retablo de Jesús de la Espina… Altarpiece of Jesus of the Thorn

Plaza Alta in the afternoon sun

Few people about

The Convent of the Adorers

Another narrow walkway

Interesting balconies and wrought ironwork

A colourful abode

Calle San Juan

Cathedral tower

The view to the River Guadiana after sunset