Daily Archives: November 6, 2018

Hugs and kisses


Tuesday 6th November


An obscenely early alarm

For breakfast to sustain

Taxi to the coach station

Just over two hours to Spain


Row upon row of vines

Cork and olive trees too

Quite a scenic bus ride

With the sky a beautiful blue


Your brother and his girlfriend

Were waiting there to meet us

So good to see them again

Hugs and kisses, lots of fuss


You really would have liked

Travelling to new places

Different language, tasty food

Watching peoples’ faces


Although you can’t see

Everything we do

I’m sharing all of this

As if you’ve come along too


Blowing lots of kisses

My darling Angel son

Up in heaven above

You are forever young



Early morning sunrise in Lisbon

Aqueduto das Águas Livres, Lisbon

National Sanctuary of Christ the King

Cork trees

Marble Quarry at Estremoz


Large grain silo

Roman aqueduct at Elvas

Quite spectacular

Igreja de N. Senhora da Assunção (Antiga Sé de Elvas)

We stopped in the square in Elvas for a coffee

Badajoz, where Luke and Ana live