Someone who was once there



Saturday 21st November

“It hurts
every day,

the absence
of someone
who was
once there.”

On this date last year you had surgery to remove your left testicle following a biopsy where cancerous cells had been found. It was a long and wretched day for you, but we returned home hopeful that all the disease had been removed. We were told as much.

Little did we know what was to come.
The fight that you would put up.

And now,
All we have left are the memories of you.
Fabulous, marvellous, amazing memories.
But that’s all they are.

No new memories will be made.
All the plans we were discussing.
When I think what might have been.
Your absence hurts so very much.

So now I hold you in my heart.
And treasure all those memories.

Thinking about you always.
Missing you constantly.
Love you forever.
My dear sweet Angel.




12 responses »

  1. Grief and loss are such a hard journey. I pray you find the comfort you need to get through. There is no easy way. I know it’s been almost 10 years since my husband left this world and 2 nights ago I was remembering in the night, crying and calling out to God. He brought me comfort. ❤

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  2. Pingback: My Article Read (11-22-2015) | My Daily Musing

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